Monday, June 23, 2014


You're probably asking, "What even is this, Instagram?  Pssshhh."

I know, I know... this is a blog, not Instagram, but it's MY blog and I'll give in to current trends on social media, hashtags, and posting photos of incredibly attractive men if I want to.

Ever since seeing "Neighbors" with my lovely friend Stephanie last month (link to her blog here), I have been drooling over Dave Franco.  I've always thought he was a cutie since seeing him in Superbad as Greg the soccer player (I seriously have a thing for soccer players, what is it?!), and definitely took notice when he played that high school jerk in "21 Jump Street" and the ex-boyfriend in "Warm Bodies", but after seeing "Neighbors"... Good heavens.

There's something about him that is so boyishly charming. 


 Those big ol' brows...


I'm having a hard time handling it.  Why hasn't any nurse I've ever had looked like this?!


The man loves cats.  Like, honestly really loves cats. That's all that matters.


And of course, let's not forget who he's related to... Good looks run in this family.

source: google images

Alright, haha... time to wipe up any unsightly drool that dribbled on your keyboard now.  Hope you enjoyed this slightly silly post and let me know if you want more #ManCrushMondays in the future! ;) 

Until next time!


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